
Monday, August 31, 2015

What the Questions Are For Me?

A very long time ago I took a Philosophy class and one of the ideas that made a great impression on me was this: It's not as important to know all the answers to all the questions of life but more important to know what the questions were for YOU.

Here's a living list of questions I've claimed for myself that I will add to as I go along. Your questions may or may not not be the same but maybe this will get you to thinking about them. If not, who cares? Oops! That's one of my questions! Please just ignore that for now. LOL!

 I pray that Cyndi Lauper said it best when she spoke of being able to see the true colors of a person. If there is a Creator God of this planet then my earnest prayer is that my true colors can be seen by whatever and whoever the Creator God is.

 And if there is a Creator God then I believe he is the Greatest God and the Only God who this planet should believe in. And, IMHO we should know this Creator God by name.

 Here we go:

 What am I?

 Who am I?

 Do I believe that I think, therefore I AM?

 What is my real name?

 Where did my real name come from?

 Who named me?

 Should I answer someone that wants to talk to me when they don't use my name or a new name I made up for myself and have told them to use or a name that was given to me by my Father or Mother?

 Does my name mean anything?

 Does it matter if my name means anything?
Is there a God?

 Does God have a name?

 Is it important for me to know God's name?

 Is God's name YHWH or Allah or Manoe or Zeus or Buddah or Jesus or Mohammed or one of a million other names I believe man has claimed for the creator of this planet?

 What, if any name, did the Creator God actually GIVE to anyone to use in addressing him?

 Were there any efforts throughout the ages to prevent mankind from being aware of it's importance?

 Do I really believe that at one time all peoples were gathered in one place under the direction of Nymrod and were building a tower with the intent of breaking into the vault of heaven?

 Do I believe the story that a Creator God confused the speach of these peoples and then they wandered away from their blasphemous endeavor, each group taking a little bit of the truth of our creation and spreading it all over the globe?

 Since I do believe that YHWH IS the greatest vocalization representing in the most sincere fashion my creator's name but that he has other sheep in other folds and it is not my place to question him, what is my duty as a believer towards them?

 Is my reality real?

 Is my reality accidental or planned?

 Do I create my own reality in any way or is there another creator separate from or even part of me making things happen also?

 If I'm the only creator of my reality then why can't I create for myself whatever I want whenever I want it?

 Why is it that when I look at nature and the world around me I realize that I didn't put that there and wonder who did?

 If there is a creator also creating my reality then Who or what is it?

Since I do believe there is a creator is this creator God?

 Were the twelve major world religions of Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism all inspired upon this planet by the same God?

 Since I do believe all mankind was at one time under the evil sway of Nymrod who was attempting to break into the vault of heaven at the Tower of Babel until the confusion of language caused all work to stop, do I believe my creator would ever allow such nonsense again?

 Since I believe there is a creator should I fear them in any way?

 Do I know the creator personally?

 Does the creator care about me at all?

 Would the creator sacrifice anything for me?

 Should I sacrifice anything for my creator?

 Would I sacrifice anything for my creator?

 What would I sacrifice for my creator?

 IS there anything I wouldn't sacrifice for my creator?

 Did we ever meet?

 Can we ever meet?

 Will we ever meet?

 Does my creator have a name?

 Does my creator have any children?

 IF my creator has any children, how many children do they have?

 Am I one of my creators' children?

 Can I ever become like one of my creator's children?

 Should I listen to someone who tells me that my creator has only ONE unique Son?

 What does the creator look like?

 What might the creator's children look like?

Does the creator look like me or other people I believe I see around me?

 When I read "Let us make Man in "our" image, why do I feel like more than one entity is involved in making it happen?"

 Is the creator a Spirit or do they have a physical body?

 Do I believe that you have to be a true believer to know your creator and to ever meet them?

 Am I a true Believer?

 What do I really believe in?

 Is what I believe in the truth or is it what I or my Creator WANTS me to believe at the moment?

 What good does it do for me to believe anyway?

 Is there life after death?

 If ghosts are real does that mean I don't need to worry about being a believer because If I die tragically enough I can always come back and scare people without having to believe in a Creator God with the power to resurrect me?

 If ghosts aren't real then what are all these paranormal activities all over the globe about?

 Are evil or unclean spirits real?

 If evil and unclean spirits are real, then could they be trying to trick mankind into believing that there is a form of life after death without the need of a Creator God?

 Since I do believe that there is no resurrection of any spirit or person without the power of the creator making it happen, Should I argue about belief with non-believers or just share my beliefs and leave the rest to their creator?

 Why am I tempted? 

Why am I chastised? 

Why am I afflicted?

 Why are my secret prayers to my creator spoken only as if I AM his unique son answered?

 What, if anything, would a creator want from their creation?

 Would my creator want me to lay down my life for my friends?

 Can I liken my creator to a potter who create's many clay pots, all bound for the kiln but some to be placed where all can see to glorify him and others exposed and used only for ignoble purposes until their offensive stench forces the creator to destroy them?

 Can anyone tell the potter I liken my creator to, what to do with his clay pots?

 Does my creator have any enemies?

 Are my creator's enemies MY enemies?

 Does my creator's enemies have any children?

 What is my creator's enemies name?

 Are there children of light and children of darkness?

 Am I a child of light or a child of darkness?

 Am I supposed to love my enemies or hate them?

 Am I my brother's or sister's keeper?

 How many times do I turn the other cheek?

 Is everyone on this planet my brother or sister?

 Do I do to others as I would want them to do to me?

 Do I love myself?

 Does anyone besides my creator love me?

 Do I consider my creator my God?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to have any other God's?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me make or worship any graven images? 

What is a graven image?

 Could the electrically stimulated pixels which create graphics on a computer screen or an LED television be considered graven images?

 Are photographs graven images?

 If my creator is my God then does he want me to take whatever name he has given me to call upon him in vain?

 If my creator is my God and I do take whatever name he has given me to call upon him in vain will I be held guiltless?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator have any special times he wants me to observe or keep holy?

 If my creator is my God and has any enemies did those enemies ever think to change any of my creator's special times or laws my creator has always had since the beginning of creation?

 If my creator is my God then does my creator want me to honor my father and mother?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to kill especially if it is in the name of furthering my beliefs?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to commit adultery?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to steal?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to bear false witness to anything?

 If my creator is my God, then does my creator want me to covet?

 Do I like girls who grow up to be women more?

 Do I like boys who grow up to be men more?

 Does liking boys more when you are a boy or liking girls more when you are a girl, really matter one way or the other?

What does it mean when it says that "it will be more tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah?"

 What were the protestants protesting?

 Did the protest work?

 Am I a protestant?

 If so, what am I protesting?

 How do I go about protesting what the original protestants were protesting?

 What if protestandism failed and carried with it many false doctrines and teachings that they were trying to protest?

 What if the changing colors of the rider's of the apocalypse denote the progression of these false doctrine's and teachings entering into the recognized eclesiastical body of "Christians" throughout time?

 When DID the white horse turn to Red and then Black and finally Pale and lifeless?

 Is there really a hell or is the lake of fire known as Gehenna the only thing I don't have to worry about anymore?

 Is hell really a German word for Hades which was a mythilogical place but the word was used for Sheol, which means "A dark, shadowy place.?"

 Has anyone besides the unique Son of God, the creator, risen from the dead and ascended to sit at the right hand of the creator?

 Should I worship my mother?

 If my creator is God and my creator has a mother and I believe mother's are greater than their children, then I would be believing she must be GREATER than my creator, AND I would be praying to her instead of the Father, is THAT right?

 If she is only the creator of the Son, who is NOT the creator, but who was born FLESH, lived, ministered, died, was resurrected and ascended then his mother wouldn't require any worship right now since she is dead, right?

 What happens if I reject the trinity which is a catholic doctrine forced upon the world by the Nicene Creed ( and instead believe that my creator, since I do believe he is my God, is not the unique Son who I actually speak to The Father as in my prayers, but that they are co-existent separate beings? (

 If I believe God is my creator then I do I really believe he IS, and If I really believe He IS then do I really believe I AM?

 What if I AM and I believe the unique Son is a High Priest after the order of Melchizedech who sits at the right hand of my creator; who has an entirely different name; until all His enemies are made a footstool for him?

 Should I pray to anyone other than my creator, as if I AM his unique Son, if I believe my creator is my God and the Father of the unique Son who stated "Anything you ask of the Father in my name. He will give you?"

 If my creator, if he is God, made me a Saint out of a Sinner, then should I be praying to any other supposed Saints that I know about?

 If my creator is God and has enemies, wouldn't those enemies spend a lot of time trying to make a Sinner of a Saint?

 When I pray to my creator, since I believe my creator is my God, in the name of the unique Son of that creator; who the unique Son said was greater than He, but who will be honored by my creator, and at first placed by Him at His right hand and THEN finally, allow the unique Son to sit down WITH His Father in the END, am I praying right?

 Is the way I pray the reason that my prayers are answered?

 Why did the name Yehoshua in the Old Testament get translated into the name Joshua, but the EXACT same name in the New Testament when referring to the Son ended up being Jesus even though the OT Joshua's name appears in the New Testament also?

Why is It that most people who say the name, J E S U S, don't understand the small mark underneath the "s" denotes a different vocalization?

 What name did John the Baptist use when he baptized Yehoshua the Messiah of Nazareth which allowed the Spirit of God the creator to come down from the heavens as a dove and alight upon him?

 Since I've believed in my creator's unique Son's life, ministry, sacrifice, resurrection and ascension, and was baptized by immersion in my creator's name, and in the name of his Son, and have felt the Spirit of God upon me, are all things now lawful to me, but not all expedient?

 If so, does that also mean that some things that were once unlawful and are now lawful actually ARE expedient?

 Do I believe the Son came once as a lamb to the slaughter but shall return in the clouds with a sword?

Could those clouds be described as the false doctrines of men and the adversary of man and my creator designed and allowed by my creator to blind the world to certain truths until the end time?

What does the two edged sword proceeding out of the mouth of the returning Lion of Judah Stand for?

Since a two-edged sword cuts both ways can that mean that the WORDS of the Son of Man will be used in the end time to cut all uncertainty and disbelief in pieces?

If the current geopolitical entity and nation called Israel suddenly accepted their messiah from antiquity would that in effect constitute a renewed anointing and begin a millennial reign of the anointed?

 Did he who made the lamb, make me?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Man Named Zed

To Whom It May Concern,  Come and Listen to a story bout a man named Zed, poor Texan mountaineer barely keeps his ex-wife fed.  And then one day while chasing love down like a fool.  He got down on his knees and asked his God to treat him like a tool.

Spiritual that is.  No cost. Debts paid.

Well the first thing you know 'ole Zed avoids adultery, get's baptized in The Name by old John's latest relativity, Sinful thought said Zed no need to get your butt in gear, So he loaded up his Suzuki and drove to a Sussex County.  Canada That Is.  Whiskey Tried.  Black Flies.

Well now it's time to say goodbye to Zed and all his sin, The Son would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in.  You're all invited back again to Yehowah's locality, To have a heaping helping of Zed's musicality.

Ever I Call, He Says, that's when He calls 'em now, Nice folks! Y'all pray some now, ya hear?